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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Summary for the last week of April '09 to the beginning of May '09.

Monday, 27/04/2009:

Wanna sunbathe (Sentosa. Where else? =D) during the day but 1) Weather's not looking good, 2) Subjected myself to fatigue. Slept on the sofa, TV still switched on. Woke up by some Indian/Singh guy asking for donation for some church stuff (wasn't really paying attention, was still groggy from exhaustion due to interrupted sleep. ZzZ.) Youtube-ed till around evening and went to meet Haur AKA Sakura outside Lot One, CCK. Took SMRT bus 985 for 1 hour odd to Serangoon Broadway for collection of graduation gowns. Both of us had difficulty making our way there, but thanks to Haur's admirable sense of direction, we made it there eventually. Made payments (deposit + rental fee, amounts not disclosed for an apparent reason), then took SMRT bus 966 to Causeway Point, Woodlands, for dinner. Had PastaMania, and Justin came to join us despite having dinner @ home earlier that evening. Apparently he missed us loads so he sacrificed his precious time to meet us (not that he's busy or anything, it's the thought that counts!), lol. That sweet lil' guy.. ZzZ. Did a lil' bit of catching up, and we headed for home. Sweet home.

Tuesday, 28/04/2009:

At 10:30+ AM, had breadfast with sec school mates AKA close friends A & B @ MacDonald's, Teck Whye, CCK. Then it's Mahjong time @ my house. Played 3 person Mahjong, was fun actually. Rules differed considerably from standard Mahjong. Started off badly, cause I forgot a mininum of 5 tais is required to win. I only had 1/2 tais (can't recall, thanks to failing memory). Had to pay total of $16.00 (2 players, each $8.00, ZzZ.). Each player started off with $40.00, I ended off with $35.00, so it was kinda OK. And yes, I played with chips; not real cold hard cash. I told you i'm not one of Bill Gate's offspings or some wealthy being already. Ended @ 5:30+ PM, then had dinner @ PastaMania (again!), Lot One, CCK. Played Pop'n Music @ Arcade afterwards. Few bucks gone. Then at 9:30+ PM, went to close friend A's house @ Bukit Panjang to play Wii. Played Bomberman till we lost track of time and I headed for home @ 1:30+ AM. By foot. Reached home; Sweet home and showered; by then the time is 2.30+ AM.

Wednesday, 29/04/2009:

Will be @ Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. Going to pay respects to grandma (maternal side). And maybe do a lil' bit of "shopping" (mental read: inconvenient disclosure, fear of offending the law *hint*) before returning back to S'pore next day.

Thursday, 30/04/2009:

Back in S'pore, hopefully in time to do some shopping @ Orchard Road! If not, Friday? Afraid I may have other plans.. Also, not forgetting the throng of crowds. Nabei.

Friday, 01/05/2009:

Happy Labour Day yall! Also known as "May Day" or "International Worker's Day", FYI.

Saturday, 02/05/2009:

Skating (most probably East Coast? Time not decided!) and dinner (location not decided either!) with Poly mates! I'm anticipating.. It's been some time since we last seen each other (mental read: last seen @ 11/04/2009)!

Sunday, 03/05/2009:

I shall see.

P/S: Ohmytian! It's 4:33 AM now and i'm expected to be awake @ 6:00 AM to prepare myself.. Maybe i'll sleep in the coach or something, after some nagging from my mom of course. Continue tagging, people!


Monday, April 27, 2009
There's been so much on my mind which yearn so much to be blogged about, but once I hit the keys on the keyboard, all thoughts jumbled up/gone missing.

Been living my life sinfully. In many ways. XD. Sufficing with an example, i've been a mahjongphile lately. Say, I started from a typical Sunday few weeks ago, and the following week there's been mahjong sessions every alternative days. Meaning Tues, then Thurs, then Sat overnight etc. Siaoness. Played with chips lar, think I so rich meh.

Other days went either by: sleeping, DVDs on the Samsung 40" LCD TV accompanied with a home theatre system (Watching "Mamma Mia!" was good!) , nua-ing in bed reading, more sleeping etc. The so gawddamn typical life of me.

Apart from my "intriguing, exciting, hectic, mind-blowing, sensational, *inserts more chim vocab*" life, here's a digression:

I bought a shitload of books from here and there, of which most are still nicely wrapped (attestable) since like, eons ago (yes, i'm that old, my looks prove otherwise. Haha.). Yet i've been diligently borrowing books from the NLB, with attempts to finish reading them ASAP so I can borrow more, all the while neglecting my new, unread books which basically serve as display purposes. Tsk tsk. The same goes for my DVDs. AND my CDs.

I kinda envy the east-siders. Some of them can drive others for supper and talk cock etc. Thus they catch up and bond with each other. That's the way it should be. Us west-siders (north-westers, to be precise) are not so fortunate. For one, there's no free transport (mental read: cheapskate). LOL. Two, I don't know how to explain. It's more of feelings than words, jewnoewhaddamean?

At times when i'm farking bored outta my mind, I daydream reminisced about the good O' times (mental read: chalet, OITP @ Shanghai, recent Genting trip). Of course all these applied only to Poly mates lar, including sec school mates would be lil' irrelevant, and majority of yall wouldn't much care or be interested in.

If I were to continue living my current state of life, my brain's gonna atrophy. Mahjong shall mindfark me cos I can think, think, think. And people, PLEASE, flood the tagboard, and CO-IDENTITY, if you see this (which I think you most probably will!), B-L-O-G! Anything will do, your work, your ranpical thoughts, your not-so-typical life etc. ANYTHING! I think i'll not be able to blog like this for a long long time, my civilian life's gonna cease. Coming 11-06-2009, i'll be ENLISTED. Next chapter of life shall unfold. And I don't think i'll entice people with entries of how I spent my wonderful life in Pulau Tekong, the "lovely" place. ZzZ..

So, meanwhile, I shall over-enjoy my life (approx. 2 months left?). Haha. I'mma immerse myself with more Mahjong, DVDs and perhaps few more K and sunbathing sessions. =(. And of course, I must start working out already. Nabeichaokubai.

P/S: I'm uber slow! Currently hooked on Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold". Dig that!


Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday (27/03) went like this: Wanna sunbathe @ Sentosa but overslept. Damnation. Met up with Alvin, Chels, Khai, Mun @ Paya Lebar station (time: ~5.00 PM), so we could go visit Shir @ her house. Alas, she had fever when she was about to be discharged so we had to visit her @ SGH instead. When we saw her, she was kinda asleep, and Mun could not recognise her. I could though, to a certain extent. So, she woke up and we asked her some questions that could be answered easy by a few "nods", "shakes" and "gestures". She couldn't talk, couldn't laugh.. But at least she could ask/answer questions by texting us on her phone if she wanted to. She looked kinda pale too, and her face was puffed up (was puffier immediately post-operation). Felt a lil' sad and pitiful seeing her @ that state, but it'll be worthwhile, she'll definitely look even prettier in a few months time (not that she was bad looking pre-op., DUH..)! Hope she's glad that we went to visit her, keep her company so that she won't be effin' bored and all; i'm sure she appreciates it right, buddeh! Feng, Aaron & Justin came at a later time, due to respective reasons, with the exception of Qi Lu, who came twice before and after we arrived. Bings was also with him before we visited Shir. The least he could do was to text and inform me of his decision, is it that hard to accomplish?! Sorry, but that wasn't very nice NOT to reply. This applies to others whom i'd texted as well but i'm not naming names. I'm just nice that way =). We then went to Burger King (time: ~8.00 PM) initially for dinner (with coupons). Alvin queued up in front of him, and presented the coupon. Lil' did we know the coupons were defunct. Major ZZZ. Left and had cheap fishball noodles/mee-pok instead. Qi Lu then left and Me, Alvin, Chels, Feng, Mun went to The Mind Cafe to unwind (we're busy people. NOT! Except Feng lar. She's working. Just trying to sound profession-ish LOL.) Played till ~11.30 PM and we're all kinda worried we'll miss the last bus/train and stuff.. Only i'm the unlucky one though, last train terminated @ KRANJI station. What The Bloody Fark. Kinda freaked out at the thought of having to bloody cab home, not enough money, wasting money, borrowing money from friends etc. Let me digress a lil'. Money Money Money. The root of all evil. One sad fact we all know and have came (OR trying to. OR en route) in terms with IS: without money, go to hell. Haha! Bulldust. Find a better quote yourself. Or something. Back on track, I alighted @ Orchard station in hopes of finding the bus stop for NR3. Luck was on my side so.. Still, maybe, just maybe, the fare was a lil' overpriced lar huh.. $3.50 leh.. Like the usual Bus 190 except that it operates @ zombie hours. Poor lil' me reached home @ 1.00 AM. Hallelujah.

ONNNN a side note, I wanna sincerely express my gratitude to the following, not taking into consideration whether you peeps know or don't =) AND, just to be fair, inclusive of those belated wishes:

Chelsea Tan
Chin Chian
Han Hui
Hui Qi
Jia Haur
Jian Zhou
Jin Da
Joana Teo
Kar Mun
Li Ling
Mei Lun
Qi Lu
Shi Ling
Shirlene Chan (Ming Si, AKA buddeh)
Yu Feng
Zhee Sheen

Grand Total: 16 (and counting?) he-/she-angels.

Names listed are based on failing memory, sincere apologies if you fail to see your name listed above. Will update this entry for missing names as soon as my phone's farking recharged. I need to triple-check for missing names. Hate it when the phone ALWAYS fail @ crucial periods. *Swears again*.

As for others, thanks for nothing. "SARCASTIC!" you say? I very well know. =)


Friday, March 13, 2009
Greetings people. Yes, it's RAVEN. After like, gawd-knows-how-long!? Been bloghopping and realised that NOONE (at least I think) had posted details on the recent chalet @ NSRCC. That got me thinking: "why so?", and my guesses are probably due to:

1) PROCRASTINATION. Major problem for me here, and I figure it's normal, everyone succumbs to it too. Trust me, bloghop around and you'll see that the blogs are not updated as regularly as before..

2) INSIGNIFICANCE. I know, this chalet's missing certain critical "elements" such as DVDs, Karaoke (only applies to NSRCC), night activities.. Or is everyone's kinda over the excitement of having another chalet, spending time with friends under the same roof for 3D2N already? Afterall, we'd been to 3 chalets before, other miscellaneous activites include: Miss Isabel's wedding @ M'sia, OITP @ Shanghai, Night cycling @ Bedok-Changi and overnights @ various places. Kinda sad ain't it, this could perhaps be the last chance to be together, and yet some of us weren't particularly thrilled about the chalet..

3) IT'S TOO EARLY TO JUDGE!! (Ya right, chalet was over on Wed, and it's Fri now. Please prove me wrong. Update!!)

Anyways, here's some highlights on the 3D2N chalet (09-11/03/2009):


Went to buy some groceries @ Bedok's Sheng Siong (and FairPrice also?) to last the entire duration at chalet. Alvin, Chelsea, Jun Yu, Kar Mun, Khai Tuck, Mei Lun, Shi Ling, Yu Feng and I (seriously late, not surprising) was there. The sky did not take pity on us, it rained reasonably heavily. After checking in and settled down, we went straight for a game of Monopoly. Alvin emerged as the grand champion lar, of course. He pretty much got what he wanted, which was to trash all our arses.. Yay for him, lol. Karaoke videos which I burnt (for singing sessions which were made impossible thanks to those farkin' NYP kids) were played for background sounds. Then, some played MJ and it was BBQ afterwards (with MJ sessions simultaneously). Khai Tuck started the fire. Late in the night we played some everyone-sit-in-a-circle games: Thigh-slapping and number multiples games. The forfeit for Number multiples game was pretty horrid, it was a concoction of various thingys made into a drink, and I had to drink two mouthfuls. Everyone took turns showering and majority turned in for the night while the rest continued to "survive" through the night, with the help of MJ, of course.


TV, MJ, and steamboat + hotplate pretty much concludes the day. Alvin, Chelsea, Qi Lu and Shirlene gambled with money and I suppose Qi Lu won the most. Steamboat + hotplate was conducted in 2 sessions, with Aaron, Jia Haur, Jun Yu, Justin and Khai Tuck at the second session. Arnold came directly from camp to join us for chalet during the first session and he brought some Goreng Pisang along with him. How nice!! Halfway through the second session there was a birthday surprise for the March kids: namely Yu Feng and I. Surprise surprise indeed! I kind of know it was coming for me also lar, but nonetheless i'm still touched! After a birthday song and some wishings, some of them sprayed party sprays and snow sprays all over us birthday kids and others as well, the top layer of the cake also kena-ed, but I still eat it anyway lol. While clearing up the remains of the party sprays, Alvin came up with the idea of pouring water over Kar Mun, which leads to me (willingly drench myself due to the overwhelming stench of the snow spray), Shirlene, Chelsea and Alvin being drenched eventually as well. Alas, we failed to drench Khai Tuck and Qi Lu, but, oh well. Throughout the night, majority of us spent the night in the girls' room to chitchat, with everyone ended up sleeping except me, Yu Feng, Shi Ling and Zihao. Me, Jia Haur, Qi Lu and Yu Feng played MJ till morning, with Zihao taking over Qi Lu sometime during the session. Mei Lun slept on the sofa, poor her.


Day of checkout!! After MJ, Aaron (woken up), Yu Feng and me began clearing up the Bungalow to prepare for checkout. Aaron, Arnold, Yu Feng and I played DaiDee while people began to wake up and prepare themselves for checkout. After checkout, we took pictures and waited for the damn shuttle bus to drop us off @ Tanah Merah station, which we then walked to somewhere for Roti Prata + Murtabak breakfast. After eating, some continued chatting and I was basically 3/4 dead. We then parted our ways (Kar Mun @ Kembangan stn, Arnold, Alvin and Chelsea @ Raffles Place stn and Yu Feng @ Tiong Bahru stn) and @ Dover station, Mr. Wang boarded the train!! What a coincidence.. He was on the way to somewhere which I wasn't paying attention, so pardon me. Had a short chat with him and Mei Lun, Shi Ling and Mr. Wang alighted @ Jurong East station. Then there was 3: Jia Haur, Justin and me. Alighted at our respective stations which I can't be bothered to type out anymore. Lol.

Overall, although I would say this chalet doesn't end with a big bang, and not exactly a perfect closing chapter of DBT/22's 3 years of polytechnic life, still, it's memorable. Doesn't matter if there's no DVDs to watch, Karaoke to belt out, enough sleep etc; it's each and everyone of us being there; it's our our presence that matters. Thanks to everyone for being there; Heriyanto for making it for 1 night, Fu Da for the second day, and Arnold for making it from second night till checkout. Also, immense thanks to the guys, particularly Aaron, Jia Haur, Justin and Khai Tuck for getting the birthday card for me. And to consider the trouble you guys had taken to get me the card, thanks once again!! Also, big thanks to Kar Mun for the initiation. I'm so glad I've known you Blackie!! Lol. I hope and hope and hope once again we can keep in contact with each other. I know, action speaks louder than words right?? All right, I shall not go all emotional and stuff, afterall, there's still Graduation Day.. ONLY THEN, it's time to get emotional.

P/S: Yet another Friday the 13th.


Sunday, January 25, 2009
FYP's OVERRRRR officially!!

but aiya. din realli have much feeling. i donno why. haha. think i din do quite well eh. the questiions was rather difficult. IN MY OPINION luhhhh. but u cannot realli trust mi coz i think and process veri slow. so better ask my fyp mates if u realli curious if the questions posted to us was hard anot.

realli thank dr liew for being sucha wonderful supervisor. she's like so damn patient with us. especially to me. coz i'm super a pictorial person and whenever i don understand, she will find ways to draw something out just to illustrate to mi and helps mi to understand better. and also coz i veri forgetful. so sometimes the thing she mentioned i somehow forget lo. so i keep asking her the same question but she din like 'i thought i answered u already?' or whenever i asked her stuff she won say 'go find out urself'...she will explain everything to us until we understand. hais. if onli she's the teacher for all the modules tat i am taking now...

felt quite disappointed with myself actually. for not being to answer most of the questions. but its not realli my grade tat i am worried about. i'm just afraid that i will disappoint dr liew coz i'm like always the one who asks so many questions. so maybe i would know more of the stuff. but apparently, the truth is not that.

anyway! its over le. gotta move on and continue to aja aja fighting! still got many school work tat i've not done. coz i usually push all these away and focus on fyp. now that fyp's over, shall get back to those work again le. after chinese new year, of course. haha!



Thursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS hunks and babes! hehe

i had fun this christmas! met up with my galfriends especially jody! it has been ages since i last met up with her. i'm so glad tat the feeling with them was still like as if we were in sec school. don feel separated and stuff. oh man!!! i miss them already. yay another meet-up soon again! i'm so gonna call jody along to bring her back to our clique. oh not forgetting my joel boy too! realli thank him for this christmas party or else i still had to wait awhile more before i can meet up with my galfriends and also won be able to meet up with jody and realise i still love her as much as before! haha!

realli love last night. it was awesome! overnight with the guys at my house was so good. though not many ppl, the overnight was not as boring as before and the time past so fast! so can conclude - its the QUALITY not the QUANTITY. hahah. thanks raven, qilu, aaron and justin for the fun. and tat naughty aaron and 'pretty and hot' justin tried to trick mi again la! hahah. ASS.

more info will be provided by RAVEN, the another owner of this blog. haha. gonna make him write this time. eh raven, must 1000 words and above ah. lol.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

HI, ppl. yea its mi again, blogging. not tat RAVEN lazy ASS. lol.

woot! finally one whole day can stay at home and rot. past few days so busy can! with meet-ups, work, go school dota and stuff. hahah. and being at home today, i'm suppose to start clearing my untouched datasheets and reports. but i'm just so darn lazy la, super don feel like moving my ass off the chair to walk to my room and take the lab munuals and stuff. so yep. should let those work to stay untouched for..uh, ONE MORE DAY. hopefully. lol.

christmas coming! not much plan actually. just party with sec school friends and tonning with poly-mates i think. hopefully will be fun la. hahah. eh super donno blog bout wat leh.

OH YA. i watched Yes Man! on donno when la. quite funny! its like one of the few ang-moh movies tat i actually understand. okay. coz the plot is not hard to understand at all. hehe. although there's no handsome guy to look for in tat show, but then got jim carrey leh. he funny guy sia, so i would think still worth it to watch la huh. lol.

okay! stopping here! shall go listen to some music. toodles!




20 y.o. and going, his uncouth manners will never be repented. OR at least, that's what he thinks. Despite making several attempts, they were, alas, futile. Although awarded with a Diploma in Biotechnology (and a lousy GPA score to go along with), his future still looks uncertain. Fark Screw the future; REMEMBER to shower him with gifts & greetings on his special day: 19/03. He immensely appreciates it. =)


Popped out to Earth on the 2nd Oct 1989 from mummy's stomach. Studied in some kindergarden school which she had forgetten the name, then to Bedok View Pri, then to Bedok View Sec and now, Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Biotechnology). Loves to have fun and hang out with friends. Oh! not forgetting, she HEARTS her family alot! no family = no karmun. FAT. Loves to sing especially at home coz can sing like nobody business. Loving those who loves her.


Bronzed Complexion & Nice Physique!
Extinction of Mosquitoes & Cockroaches
Our Friends to be Happeh!
More Money =D
World Peace. LOL
Good Results


ShoutMix chat widget



ARNOLD - Uber sporteh & humorous, not forgetting to mention lanky too. An avid fan of Techno (particularly vocal types), just like RAVEN. Maybe not to such an extent for the latter, but nonetheless.. Bloghop over to check out his embedded list of TECHNO (and ROCK too, if you fancy) songs.

FU DA - Behold the "Lusty Buddha"! While it's wise to pay your respects to him, we shall hold no responsibilites for any liable corruptions thereafter. Digressing, he's totally into Anime. To him, playing DDR is a piece of cake. A "Windows Live Space"!

QI LU - Educated at Bedok View Sec. Sch., which happened to coincide with that of KAR MUN's. Embedded with a media player.

ZIHAO - "Like Flash!" is his signature line. His blog has been stagnant for some time, but do bloghop by and drop him a tag! Dunch worry, he won't bite.


CHELSEA - She's one with an affable & amiable personality, multi-talented in many forms of DANCE. Has an embedded music player, bloghop over to check out if it's your favourite song! Give her a cyber hug too, while you're at it.

MEI LUN - The second of "Windows Live Space"'s, first being FU DA's.

ROSLINDA - Da Nenek! With two simple rules sure to follow, bloghop over! Embedded with a media player, with occasional nice random songs that gets you going.

SHI LING - Our beloved "Auntie"! In case you're wondering: "Is she single & available?" Answer is: NOPE & NOPE. =)

SHIRLENE - Also educated at, you've guessed it, Bedok View Sec. Sch.. Her piano standards are commendable, be sure to bloghop over to check out the nitty-gritty of her life. Also embedded with a music player.

YU FENG - Our "Big Sista". 3Cs: Cool, Calm, Collected. In addition to RAVEN & KAR MUN, she's also an avid fan of S.H.E. DO NOT mess with her. If you do, you're just inviting trouble. For yourself.

ZHEE SHEEN - A Malaysian. She can COOK, she can DRIVE. She's also "Forever 20"! Bloghop over to learn more about her.


Designer: COOKIEMx33
Inspiration: minealways

AND not forgetting, the readers! Without whom this blog will be futile.